Friday, January 29, 2010

Obama Says "He'll Pay' ... $2,500 A Year To Go To School

Reprint: (ARA) - Where there's a will, there will always be a way. So the economy is crashing around us. Everywhere, dust is settling over the graves of greed. And yes, now really is a good time to both, STAY in college and to start or return to college.

Think: "Multiple Income Streams." The Obama administration's stimulus bill is supposedly designed to get the economy moving again. Most of the bill's $70 billion for education will go to low- to middle-income individuals.

"A major part of the bill is a $13.8 billion tuition tax credit boost called the American Opportunity Tax Credit," reports ARALifestyle. "This tax credit reimburses 100 percent of the first $2,000 of educational expenses for lower income students. For the next $2,000, students will receive a 25 percent reimbursement. In short, lower income students will receive $2,500 in education reimbursements per year.

The bill also features other benefits for low-income students. Families that do not earn enough to pay income taxes can receive a $1,000 education refund.

"These kinds of incentives from the government don't come along very often," says Janet Hill, financial aid and education counselor at, a free online education service. "If people have been thinking of going back to school, now would be the time to do it. If they are hurting financially, they can easily get the money they need to get a degree." These benefits are set to expire after the 2010-2011 school year.

Fortunately, thanks to a growing number of online education options, degree-seekers can take advantage of President Barack Obama's stimulus bill without leaving their jobs. Sites like have helped nearly 500,000 degree-seekers get their stimulus money and enroll in online universities."

But the consumer has to be cautious. The word went out that there weren't enough medical professionals. People flooded little medical colleges by the thousands ... and now there are too many of them. Same with IT professionals like Graphic Designers and "Computer Technicians." NPR recently ran a story advising listeners to imagine fifteen Empire State Buildings of empty office space. That's how many empty office space is presently in Silicon Valley. Research. Do your homework. Question what you'd REALLY like to do. Avoid standing in the line that's already crowded.

That set, Hill continues, "We help people learn how to take advantage of this bill," says Hill. "All they have to do is visit our form and fill it out. We guide them through the rest."

If you are a low-income individual and want to get money to go back to school, visit, fill out their form, and indicate which schools you may be interested in. An education advisor will contact you and help you get your share of President Obama's stimulus money to go back to school."

One word of caution children ... the country is still built upon mountains of debt. Read the fine print and ask before you sign. Take time before you decide.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Free College for Black males???

This information is too important to post only once. Please, if you know any black males who dream of going to college but see no way of being able to afford the cost, 13 Black Colleges and Universities are working with Clemson University to send them to school absolutely FREE.

The text below is reprinted directly from the "Calll me MISTER" website. Click and view all the links on the left side to view the program in greater detail. The goal of the program is to increase the number of black male teachers in under-served and rural communities. There was a time when I would have even balked at going into places like the Mississippi Delta to teach ... but these days, being able to live and work (earning a decent salary) at a very esteemable position in a rural area is pure GAME. I repeat over and over that owning a home with a few acres on it within a 45 minute radius of a city or college town is the number one choice. (If you don't know, read past posts to learn why.) But before I digress, read about the program below. Each link takes you to a different site.)

"The mission of the Call Me MISTER (acronym for Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models) National Initiative is to increase the pool of available teachers from a broader more diverse background particularly among the State's lowest performing elementary schools. Student participants are largely selected from among under-served, socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities.

The Call Me MISTER program is contributing to the talent pool of excellent teachers by identifying and supporting students like Mr. Mark Joseph (shown here), who are literally "touching the future" by teaching children. Mark's teaching degree was made possible through the Call Me MISTER program.

The project provides:
  • Tuition assistance through Loan Forgiveness programs for admitted students pursuing approved programs of study in teacher education at participating colleges.
  • An academic support system to help assure their success.
  • A cohort system for social and cultural support.
“Call Me MISTER” was developed by some of our State’s visionary educational leaders who sincerely believe we can build a better tomorrow by getting you involved today.

Maintained by
Copyright ©2009 Call Me MISTER, 203 Holtzendorff, Clemson, S.C. 29634, (800)640-2657"

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Supporting Our Own Slavery

Recreated from Luther Brook's "Heteplandproject"

Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor

This is from an interesting article originally printed in "The Guardian." I love President Obama and I hope that it's simply too early to evaluate which direction he's going ... "the same old trip," or is he shrewd enough to give the Military Industrial complex what it wants in exchange for breaking off something for the people who elected him later? We'll just have to wait and see.

Luther Brook's reprint of The Guardian's story (below) points out the lie behind our "Drug War." It's been close to 30 years and more Americans are in prisons than in any industrial nation on earth. UN Drug Tsar Antonio Maria Costa, estimated that the "Drug Industry" is a $325 billion dollar industry ... and that's probably a low-ball figure. Just ONE example of how dangerous our current drug policies are is privately owned prisons that drain money from the public treasury and places those funds in private pockets.

Drugs and crime chief Costa went on to say that he has uncovered evidence that the $352 Billion dollars of confirmed criminal drug money was effectively laundered by large US and European legal financial institutions. But even more alarming was the report that "the (drug money) was the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year."

The report further stated that "poppy/opium crops were stopped by Taliban completely in 2001 because it was "un-Islamic". It was only after we invaded that it restarted and crops have increased in size every year since we invaded.

NOTE: Afghanistan is yet another poor country that never invaded by the United States. In 2005, Canadian ex-Minister of Defense Gordon O'Connor reported that heroine is again being produced in that country. The much-demonized Taliban had stopped it. Okay ... so if the poppy/opium production is $300 billion+ industry and Afghanis are dirt poor... who's running it all???

In terms of President Obama's current policy towards I'm not in favor of this quick, knee-jerk reaction that is coming from so many on the Left. The race is early and "our horse" still has a long way to run. But let's face it, all this is occurring within the cauldron of the "American Empire" that has been built on U.S. Banks and our "New Roman Empire Military Forces."

The problem is one of priorities. Have our ruling classes become so greedy that they are blind to how their empty, bottomless desire is running the country into economic and moral ruin? Silly question isn't it?

As we look for solutions to our current state of economic and moral decay, we have to realize how important drugs are to keeping us imprisoned and existing in lives of hopelessness and lovelessness. I don’t care if it’s marijuana, Crystal Meth, Cocaine or heroine, you can’t yearn to enjoy any part of “God’s Full Bounty” if we’re choosing to live in the Hells of addiction and demoralization.

What We Believe:

"Every problem is an opportunity in work clothes."
~Henry J. Kaiser