I left the room after hearing his first press conference, and breath an unconscious sigh of relief. For the first time in 30 years, I did not feel like my government was persecuting me. ("Phweeeph"!)
So it's been a little over a month, and there is still a lightness in the air. The California Bay Area hasn't felt this good since the 70's. Yet, already, the bloggers, writers, and media reporters are re-hitching up their little wagons to stars of hatred, fear and resentment.
It's like half the population is addicted to being the victim. Literally ... addicted. In his book, "People of The Lie," Dr. M. Scott Peck speaks to the fundamentals of "Evil."
I guess I'm alarmed at how quickly people can go from elation, hope, and joy ... to returning to the slop of their "Lazy Thinking" ... blaming others instead of getting to work on creating the society ... the culture ... and the individual lives we most want to experience.
It's been easy to point fingers at all the many sources of evil that has came at us these past 30 years. OK ... longer ... but there's been breaks... and it's during these "breaks" that the greatest change can occur. The 60s was a wonderful break. That decade gave us Dr. Martin Luther King, an end to institutionalized Jim Crow, and privileges like the right to vote. And now, as President-elect Obama prepares to enter the White House, we all stand, at a threshold of another unique time in history where great change can happen ... if we only become aware of how the trauma of racism has become a habit in our thinking.
"Since they must deny their own badness, they must perceive others as bad. They project their own evil onto the world. The evil attack others instead of facing their own failures. Spiritual growth requires the acknowledgment of one's own need to grow. If we cannot make that acknowledgment, we have no option except to attempt to eradicate the evidence of our imperfection. Strangely enough, evil people are often destructive because they are attempting to destroy evil. The problem is that they misplace the locus of the evil. Instead of destroying others they should be destroying the sickness within themselves."
I suppose what I'm challenging everyone ... blacks, whites, Latinos, Asians, et al ... is to begin ... quickly... to think about what each of us as individuals can bring to the table to make this a better place to live. Stop looking at the faults of others for a minute, and begin thinking about what they need. More, what do I need to be fully happy, healthy, joyous and free ... and what am I doing to stop that from becoming reality in my life? That is the work and the great opportunity of this moment.
Here are some quotes by Dr. Peck ... food for thought...
Books by Dr. M. Scott Peck
Hey, Fred, I'm having a great time poking through your blogs. I love good writing, and when that is combined with a rich stew of ideas--heaven!
I'm very glad we've connected. I share your interest in combining personal change with social change. You'll see that on the Seminary of the Street website, which is at www.seminaryofthestreet.org.
I hope to see you at First Congo again soon and to continue to see how our work together might unfold.
Take care.
You are right on about the haters needing to look within themselves to make the world a better place, to stop the hate, haters only need to start with themselves!
Very good post!
We contacted you a few weeks ago regarding Van Jones' involvement with ShoreBank, and I just wanted to follow up with some new info. We have two new videos of Van Jones speaking about the Green Collar Economy and ShoreBank available.
If you would like the link to the videos or if you have any questions about ShoreBank and their green initiatives, please contact me directly at tracy@swirl.net. Thanks!
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